Copywriting Process In Advertising

Shock Therapy Ad Approach

FACT: Most Copywriters Write Ads Backwards

“Is writing Facebook ads a waste of time?”

I ask because, if you’re like most copywriters, you probably start a new Facebook campaign by brainstorming ad angles… writing countless variations of copy… and then picking images and videos that fit with the text.

But if you’re doing it that way…

Your process is DEAD wrong. You have the copywriting process in advertising backward.

Especially when you consider that 70-80% of an ad’s success comes from the image or video you use (also known as the “creative”).

…NOT the copy!

So it begs the question…

“If ad creatives are so important, why would you ever write the copy FIRST?”

Well, that’s exactly what Kenneth Yu – the former Copy Chief at MindValley and the founder of the “Holy Grail Copywriting” System – wondered when he realized that almost every copywriter creates Facebook ads BACKWARDS.

Instead, he developed a proprietary process known as “Shock Therapy.”

…Which begins by finding specific images and videos that provoke visceral reactions and immediately grab your prospect's attention – BEFORE they’ve read a single word of copy. Truly copywriting skills.

And – once you have the most eyeball-grabbing creatives you can find – only then do you write headlines and body copy that pair with your arsenal of compelling images and videos.

And when done correctly…

You can TRIPLE your campaign's click-through rate and lower your cost-per-lead by up to 75% like Kenneth.

…Which is why he recently sat down with Rich Schefren to reveal the full details behind his “Shock Therapy” method, including:

  • A deep dive into Kenneth’s 4-phase approach to Facebook ads (he even shares his screen and breaks down all the steps he takes to triple his click-through-rate and lower his cost-per-lead by up to 75%)
  • 12+ “Open Sesame” keywords that find the best, reaction-inducing images to grab your reader’s attention and force them to read your ad
  • The 5-step “Perfect Image Checklist” that ensures you pick the most scroll-stopping image for your ad while still remaining relevant to your message
  • How Kenneth links these images to his product when writing his ad angles to capture an emotion, tie it back to a solution, and sell the click
  • Shocking examples of eyeball-grabbing images that are crushing right now on Facebook – and where to find them on the web so you can use them in your ads
  • How to split-test your images and angles together to find the highest performing ads

In short:

If you want to maximize conversions in the least amount of time using Facebook ads, you’ve gotta harness powerful creatives to stop the scroll.

And Shock Therapy shows you how.

Watch Kenneth’s 37-minute interview to learn how it works.

(That's an affiliate link… but you get to watch free + transcript + audio + you get a DIY Action Guide all free!)

FAQ Copywriting Process In Advertising

What is a copywriting in advertising?
Copywriting is the act or occupation of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy or sales copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.

How would you describe your copywriting process?
The process of copywriting involves knowing the product, its features and benefits, and understanding the target market and their needs and desires. Copywriters come up with catchy headlines, subheads and body copy to create the advertisement.

What is copywriting process or position?
Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation. These materials can include written promotions that are published in print or online.

FAQ Copywriting Skills

What does a copywriter do exactly?
Day-to-day, copywriters are tasked with writing clear and concise copy for ads, marketing materials, and websites, for virtually any audience and any industry.

Is copywriting a rare skill?
Great copywriters are rare. They know how to use their writing skills to make people do what they want.

4 steps to get it right

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